Config Preview
π§ See the current config files
Dream Solarsystems Config
DreamLocales = {} -- Do not touch this!!!
DreamFramework = {} -- Do not touch this!!!
DreamCore = {} -- Do not touch this!!!
-- Dream Solarjob Settings
DreamCore.Language = 'en'
DreamCore.GiveCredits = true -- Set to false if you don't want to give credits
DreamCore.OwnedSolarBlip = { -- Blip settings for owned solar panels
sprite = 108,
color = 5,
scale = 1.0
DreamCore.SpaceBetweenSolar = 5.0 -- Space between each solar panel
DreamCore.DistanceToNextRoad = 25.0 -- Distance to the next road
DreamCore.BlacklistZones = { -- Zones to disallow placing a solar panel
{ coords = vector3(198.8878, -932.6039, 30.9555), radius = 120.0 }, -- Pillbox Hill
{ coords = vector3(453.4707, -985.8928, 43.6863), radius = 65.0 }, -- LSPD
-- Add more zones here
DreamCore.AutoSaveInterval = 5 * 60 * 1000 -- Interval in ms to save the solar panels
DreamCore.SolarLicense = {
{ label = 'Company Solar System', value = 'company' },
{ label = 'Private Solar System', value = 'private' }
DreamCore.KWhProduction = { -- KWh per hour for each hour
['0'] = 0,
['1'] = 10,
['2'] = 15,
['3'] = 20,
['4'] = 25,
['5'] = 30,
['6'] = 35,
['7'] = 40,
['8'] = 45,
['9'] = 50,
['10'] = 55,
['11'] = 60,
['12'] = 65,
['13'] = 70,
['14'] = 75,
['15'] = 70,
['16'] = 65,
['17'] = 60,
['18'] = 50,
['19'] = 40,
['20'] = 30,
['21'] = 20,
['22'] = 10,
['23'] = 5,
['24'] = 0,
DreamCore.KWhPrice = 50 -- Price per KWh
DreamCore.KWHMinimum = 3 -- Minimum KWh to sell
DreamCore.CalculateProfit = function(KWh)
-- Feel free to add here some addition things like taxes / fees / etc.
return math.floor(KWh * DreamCore.KWhPrice)
DreamCore.Webhooks = {
Enabled = true,
-- Base Data
Color = '10169855', -- Change the Color of the Webhook
Author = 'Dream Solar Systems', -- Change the Author of the Webhook
IconURL = '', -- Change the IconURL of the Webhook
-- Webhook URLs
NewSolarPanel = '',
ChangeLicense = '',
WithdrawMoney = '',
DestroyPanel = '',
DestroyPanelPolice = '',
Dream Solarsystems Locales
Reminder: You can create your own locale file in your language π
DreamLocales['en'] = {
['NotifyHeader'] = 'Solar Systems',
['PlaceSolarError'] = 'The solar panel could not be placed.',
['PlaceSolarSuccess'] = 'The solar panel has been placed successfully.',
['SolarBlipName'] = 'Solar Panel [#%s]',
['SolarPanelText'] = '~y~βοΈ Solar Panel~s~ [~o~#~a~~s~]\nLicense: ~o~~a~~s~\nStatus: ~g~Active~s~\nKWh: ~b~~a~/h~s~',
['SolarTarget'] = {
['GetCash'] = {
['Title'] = 'Get Cash',
['Error'] = {
['InvalidPanelInfo'] = 'There was an issue while get the money from the solar panel!',
['NotEnoughKWh'] = 'You do not have enough KWh to get the money!',
['MinimumKWh'] = 'You need to have at least %s KWh to sell it!'
['Success'] = 'You have sold β‘%s KWh for πΈ%s$!',
['GetCashSuccess'] = 'You have received $%s for the solar panel.',
['Dialog'] = {
['Title'] = 'βοΈ Solar Panel [#%s]',
['Text'] = 'Do you want to sellβ‘%s KWh for πΈ%s$?'
['ManageLicense'] = {
['Title'] = 'Manage License',
['Success'] = 'You have changed the license of the solar panel.',
['Error'] = {
['NotHaveLicense'] = 'You do not have a license for this solar panel!',
['Menu'] = {
['Title'] = 'βοΈ Solar Panel [#%s]',
['LicenseStatusDesc'] = 'Your current license',
['LicenseChangeTitle'] = 'Change License',
['LicenseChangeDesc'] = 'Change the license of the solar panel'
['Dialog'] = {
['Title'] = 'βοΈ Solar Panel [#%s]',
['Label'] = 'Solar License',
['Description'] = 'Enter your solar license'
['DestroyPanel'] = {
['Title'] = 'Destroy Panel',
['Success'] = 'You have destroyed the solar panel.',
['Progress'] = {
['Label'] = 'Removing Panel...'
['Dialog'] = {
['Title'] = 'βοΈ Solar Panel [#%s]',
['Text'] = 'Do you want to destroy the solar panel?'
['CheckPolice'] = {
['Title'] = 'Check Police',
['Progress'] = {
['Label'] = 'Checking License...'
['Dialog'] = {
['Title'] = 'π Solar Panel Information',
['Text'] = '**ID**: #%s \n **License**: %s \n **License Note**: %s'
['DestroyPolice'] = {
['Title'] = 'Remove Panel',
['Success'] = 'You have destroyed the solar panel.',
['Progress'] = {
['Label'] = 'Removing (Illegal) Panel...'
['Dialog'] = {
['Title'] = 'βοΈ Solar Panel [#%s]',
['Text'] = 'Do you want to destroy the solar panel?'
['PropPlacer'] = {
['Back'] = 'Back',
['Forward'] = 'Forward',
['Right'] = 'Right',
['Left'] = 'Left',
['Cancel'] = 'Cancel',
['Place'] = 'Place',
Last updated